But basically they just rush the car yelling and try to get the doors open. As soon as they get the doors open they pull everyone and everything out of the car and take what they want before running away. Obviously they are targeting white foreigners as they figure that is more a payout.
I originally considered my hunting knife-which I usually have with me at all times, as the ideal slash and stab technique sounded good. I think that leaving the window down about ten inches-which I know is strongly discouraged, is the best course of action. It is likely that the robber will see the window down and think that just going for the locks themselves will be quicker than threatening the driver. As is the case with all robbers they are looking for the easy target and will have already decided that you are just that if they try this in the first place. Ideally they will put a weapon through the window first-I doubt these guys think much, then you can just grab the wrist and cut the tendon where the hand and wrist connect. The weapon will drop and the man will probably just go away. Personally I would disable his other hand as well just to make sure he doesn't try for retribution. Obviously you need to be able to go hard to execute this and your knife needs to be razor sharp setting beside you always while in the cabs. The problem is dealing with multiple attackers. It is hard to put two men down with a knife unless you're Jason Bourne, and you could get put down pretty easy.
I have came to the conclusion that short of having a hand gun or alien laser pistol a stun gun is our best bet. Not the kind that shoots the projectile-though those are badass too, but the regular old school one that looks like a hand held shaver. When that arm comes through the window, BANG, that assholes laying on the ground crying for mommy. If there are two I am pretty sure the other guy will book it outta there unless he has a gun, then he may just shoot you in the head. That's why it is good to have a partner when traveling the wild parts of the world. If each of you has a taser then you can execute the defensive action at the same exact time which would most likely eliminate the need to worry about a gun. These guys aren't soldiers and I am sure that if they have a gun the very first thing they will do is stick it through the window and wave it around while screaming. That's when you slam their hand forward into cab and hit em with the stun gun. If the video I watched was pretty standard action-which I think it was, the attackers will hit each door at roughly the exact moment so as to maximize the surprise factor. This works to our advantage as the attackers will not be able to learn from their partners failure.
The final step is to always carry heavy duty zip-ties, these things are always handy, particularly in securing assholes in uncomfortable positions. I would recommend hitting the bastard one more time with the taser-just for good measure and then put the arms behind their back and zip them together using one zip-tie per wrist looping them together in the middle. Then do the same with the feet, and just for fun you can tie the feet to the wrists using one more zip-tie. A nice little gift for the cops.
There's my plan in a nut shell, I have stayed awake many-o-night thinking about this as there have been many of these taxi cab robberies lately. I really think that if you just stay calm and keep the tasers at your side always in the cab you can easily overcome the attackers and keep your valuables. These people are desperate and most likely wont even have a nice knife, and having a gun would be even less likely as they would have probably sold it already for cash. Good luck and remember stay alert stay alive, your only a victim if you choose to be.
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