Travel/Adventure Novel and Blog by Josiah Heiser

Friday, November 9, 2012

Heads up

I see many people still haven't got the memo, so here it is again.

Halcyon SCUBA equipment issues voluntary product safety recall

Halcyon Manufacturing Inc. in cooperation with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission has initiated a voluntary recall of select Eclipse, Evolve, Explorer, Pioneer and CCR35 buoyancy compensators (BCDs) manufactured between January, 2006 and September, 2008. In addition, select Halcyon inflatable devices (Lift Bags, SMB’s, DAM’s, Surf Shuttles and Diver Lift rafts) may also be affected.
Please visit our website at for more detailed information and video to support inspection of your Halcyon product.
For US information you can also visit this site:
These BCDs or Inflatable Devices could develop excessive corrosion or rusting problems with the stainless steel Over Pressure Valve (OPV) spring, causing the spring to fail and the BCD or Inflatable Device to leak through the OPV. It is unlikely that most of these units will experience any problems since the potential defect is limited to a very small portion of the total number of OPV springs used during this time period. However, given the potentially serious implications all OPV springs should be checked to minimize risk or inconvenience to Halcyon customers.

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